Can Protection Insurance Kick-start Lending?

Portcullis House Wilson Room, Portcullis House, London, United Kingdom

On 12th June 2013, ResPublica will launch its latest publication, Risk Waiver: closing the protection gap and easing the flow of credit, which explores the potential for insurance protection products to stimulate the credit market. Recent Bank of England of England statistics suggest current Government attempts to stimulate the market are having a limited effect […]

How can the financial sector better serve the needs of society?

Launch of ResPublica's Latest Report: “Markets for the Many: How civic finance can open up markets and widen access”. Launched with opening remarks by Cathy Jamieson MP, Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury. ResPublica is launching its latest report: ‘Markets for the Many: How civic finance could open up markets and widen access'. Supported by […]

Digital currencies: Will regulation stifle innovation? with Steve Baker MP & Adam Afriyie MP

In the wake of the financial crisis, the world of finance has seen the rapid growth of digital currencies. Offering a payment service that is quick, cheap and convenient, their popularity has risen as people look for alternatives to our mainstream financial institutions.As innovative digital currencies have begun to break into the mainstream monetary system, […]


21st Century Healthcare: Technology, participation and medical innovation, with George Freeman MP, Minister for Life Sciences

Campus London 4-5 Bonhill Street, Shoreditch, London, United Kingdom

'21st Century Healthcare: Technology, participation and medical innovation' will be a UK first, bringing together the key stakeholders from across the industry to form a holistic pathway for the life sciences industry. The day will set the standard for the Government's Life Sciences Strategy for the next five years in supporting a model of healthcare fit for […]