The Future of the Press: Does hyperlocal deserve the hype?


Local newspapers play an important social role in our communities, reporting on local issues which would otherwise go unnoticed by the national press and holding local services and politicians up to close scrutiny. In his investigation of the British press Lord Leveson warned that their demise would be a huge setback for democracy. However, despite […]

ResPublica’s Holistic Mission report scheduled for debate in the House of Lords

ResPublica is pleased to announce that its recent report, Holistic Mission: Social action and the Church of England, has been scheduled for debate in the House of Lords at 3pm on 21st November 2013. The motion “to move that this House takes note of the July 2013 report of ResPublica ‘Holistic Mission: Social Action and […]

Virtuous Banking: Placing ethos and purpose at the heart of finance

Financial Times Financial Times, One Southwark Bridge, London

On Tuesday 29th July 2014 at the Financial Times, ResPublica will be launching its latest report: Virtuous Banking: Placing ethos and purpose at the heart of finance. The report reviews the way in which the banking industry governs and organises itself and explores how the financial sector can be made more responsive, responsible and inherently […]

In Professions We Trust

Committee Room 3 Houses of Parliament

ResPublica invites to you the launch of its latest report: In Professions We Trust: Fostering virtuous practitioners in teaching, law and medicine. This report will argue that the legal, medical, and teaching professions provide a vital link between public service and the wider common good. Yet this understanding of civic purpose is in crisis, and […]

True North 2016: Realising the Northern Powerhouse

The Lowry Theatre Pier 8, The Quays, Media City, Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom

On Friday 8th July, ResPublica's inaugural North conference Finding True North hosted over 250 leaders from across the North at the beautiful Lowry Theatre, Salford. Covered by Manchester Evening News, The Guardian, The Times, FT and on BBC Daily Politics, the conference saw the launch of A Manifesto for the North mapping out the next steps for the […]


Britain’s Global Future: the diplomatic impact of UK civil society

House of Commons House of Commons, Westminster, London

ResPublica is launching its latest report on British soft power and the vital role of institutions in British foreign policy. It explores the unique position of British institutions in stabilising nations and how, when properly configured and supported, institutions such as the BBC, British Council, universities and museums, can provide mediation in some of the […]